Making mistakes when installing roof shingles is the difference between a standard roofing contractor and us. Here at FIXX we are aware of all common mistakes when replacing a roof and we’d like to share them with you.

1. Installing New Shingles over Old ones

This practice is a common one among amateur contractors and is considered a red flag when spotted. It opens the roof up and creates spaces perfect for moisture and dirt to collect.

2. Incorrect Nail Length

Roofing nails should be 1-1/4 to 2 inches long to ensure that it sufficiently penetrates and embeds in the roof sheathing because if they are too small, they would come off too easily, forcing you to perform unnecessary roof repairs

Here at FIXX we calculate the appropriate length by adding the thickness of the shingles and underlayment to the thickness of the sheathing.

3. Incorrect Nailing

Nailing placement is calculated as well. The pattern should be 4 nails per shingle, about 5 5/8 in. above the bottom of the shingle and below the seal-down strip. 6 nails are recommended if aiming for a more storm-resistant roof.

4. Not installing a Drip Edge

A drip edge is made of aluminum and installed at the edge of the roof. Their job is to redirect any water away from the wall of your home and into the gutter. Without a drip edge, water may end up under your shingles and can cause damage to your home. It also makes sure that wind-driven rain doesn’t get up and under your roof.

5. Not Adding an Underlayment

Once the existing shingles or tiles are removed, a layer of underlayment should be applied before any new materials are added.

Roofing underlayment adds a water-resistant or waterproof barrier that the rest of your roof can be built on. This important layer helps protect your home and roof and helps your roof have a longer life.

6. Incorrect Flashing Placement

Flashing also plays a very important role in the quality and safety of your roof especially when chimney are involved. If it is misaligned, improperly overlapped, or not fastened correctly, then your roof won’t be protected against water damage from ice, rain, or snow.

Here’s how your flashing should look:

7. Poor Shingle Alignment

If the cutouts on shingles are not vertical or if the joins aren’t on the same horizontal plane, the shingles are misaligned. While this can visually make your roof look unorganized and sloppy, it’s also a problem with coverage and protection of your roof.

This error creates cracks and gaps in roof coverage and provide places for water to cause damage to your roof, roof deck, and home.